2024 International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis(PRIA 2024)


Organizing Committee 

Conference General Chair


Prof. Xianye Ben

Shandong University, China

Xianye Ben is a professor and doctoral supervisor at Shandong University, a national-level young talent, a young expert of Taishan Scholars of Shandong, and an outstanding young and middle-aged scholar at Shandong University. Her research areas are image processing and pattern recognition. She is an IEEE Senior Member, a member of the Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence, and an executive director of the Shandong Provincial Artificial Intelligence Society. As the project leader, she has presided over more than 20 national and provincial-level projects, including the National Natural Science Foundation of China's Excellent Young Scientists Fund, National Key Research and Development Program Projects, and Shandong Provincial Major Scientific and Technological Innovation Engineering Projects. She has published over 100 academic papers in domestic and international core journals and conferences such as IEEE T-PAMI, IEEE T-IP, IEEE T-CSVT, IEEE T-MM, PR, and CVPR, and has obtained 64 national invention patents. Her achievements have been successfully applied in personal interviews, psychological correction, and intelligent interrogation systems in prisons in Yinchuan, Ningxia, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, and Ganzhou, Jiangxi, as well as video surveillance systems in two communities in Qingdao. Her work has served social governance and made significant contributions to the construction of Peaceful China Initiative. She has been awarded the Second Prize of Shandong Provincial Natural Science Award (ranked first), the Shi-Qingyun Female Scientist Award of the Chinese Association for Image and Graphics, the title of Excellent Graduate Degree Paper Instructor of Shandong Province, the "Intelligent Foundation" Backbone Teacher of the Ministry of Education and Huawei, the "Intelligent Foundation" Pioneer Teacher of Huawei Cloud and Computing, the Qingdao Women's Work Model, the Qingdao Women's Scientific Research Star, and the March 8th Red Flag Hand of Shandong University.

Publication Chairs


Prof. Mingguang Shan

Harbin Engineering University

He is the head of the team of photoelectric information intelligent processing technology, the director of the provincial "Advanced Intelligent Perception Technology Collaborative Innovation Center", the director of Instrumentation Society of Mechanical Measurement Instrumentation Branch, a member of Optical Society of China Holography and Optical Information Processing Committee, a member of Optical Society of China Optical Testing Committee, a member of the Chinese Society of Instrumentation Youth Committee, a member of the First Advanced Optical Manufacturing Youth Expert Committee of the Chinese Society of Optical Engineering. He is also a member of the Optical Testing Committee of the Optical Society of China, the Youth Working Committee of the Chinese Society for Instrumentation and Instrumentation, and the First Advanced Optical Manufacturing Youth Expert Committee of the Optical Engineering Society of China. At present, he has been awarded two second prizes of Provincial Natural Science Award (ranked 1 and 4), authorized more than 40 invention patents, and published more than 100 academic papers in SCI source journals.


Prof. Tao Lei

Shaanxi University of Science & Technology

Tao Lei, third-grade professor, doctoral supervisor, member of the Academic Committee of Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, deputy dean of the School of Electronic Information and Artificial Intelligence, a senior member of IEEE/CCF/CSIG; selected for the Shaanxi High-level Talent Program, Jieqing of Shaanxi Province, Stanford's list of the world's top 2% of top scientists, and a high contributing author of Wiley Wiley China Open Science, etc.; served as associate editor, editorial board member He has also served as associate editor, editorial board member, guest editor, etc. of 7 journals, and has served as conference chair, technical committee chair, publicity chair, award committee chair, and session chair in more than 20 international conferences. His main research interests are computer vision, machine learning, etc. He has published 4 monographs/edited books and conference proceedings, and more than 100 papers in IEEE TIP, IEEE TMI, IEEE TFS, IEEE TGRS, IJCAI, and other domestic and international authoritative journals and conferences, among which there are 9 ESI highly cited papers and 4,600+ Google Scholar citations. National Natural Science Foundation of China (5 projects), Outstanding Youth Fund of Shaanxi Province, Key Research and Development Program of Shaanxi Province, etc. He was awarded the Second Prize of Science and Technology of Shaanxi Province and the First Prize of Outstanding Achievements in Research of Higher Educational Institutions in Gansu Province for his first completion.

Technical Program Committee Chair


Prof. Min Wang

SouthWest Petroleum University,China

She holds esteemed positions as a Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, and Deputy Dean of the School of Electronic Information Engineering, and is recognized as a reserve candidate for the role of academic and technological leader in Sichuan Province. Additionally, she serves in pivotal roles as the President of the Sichuan Artificial Intelligence Society, Deputy Secretary-General of the Information Professional Committee of the Sichuan Petroleum Society, and Deputy Secretary-General of the Intelligent Systems Engineering Professional Committee of the Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence. Furthermore, she contributes her expertise as a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Chengdu Technological University and as an expert in government affairs information for Mianyang City. She also serves as a project evaluation expert for the Chengdu-Chongqing Twin City Economic Circle and as a review expert for various national and provincial-level projects, including the National Defense 173 Program and the National Natural Science Foundation of China.

She has dedicated herself to the research of artificial intelligence prediction and decision-making analysis in open and dynamic environments for years. She has led or been a key researcher in three National Natural Science Foundation projects, four Sichuan Provincial Science and Technology Planning projects, and a fund from a national key laboratory. Additionally, she has spearheaded more than ten research projects for enterprises like China National Petroleum Corporation, and has been awarded a second-prize in Scientific and Technological Progress by the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Automation Application Association. As the lead author, she has published over thirty SCI papers in prestigious journals such as Pattern Recognition and TCSVT, widely recognized in the industry. Her papers have garnered numerous citations from top scholars in leading journals. One of her papers published in ESWA has been cited by Nature Communications and was comprehensively reviewed in an entire chapter of the book "Active Learning Query Strategies for Classification, Regression, and Clustering: A Survey," achieving a total of 121 citations on Google Scholar. She holds more than 20 authorized invention patents and 11 software copyrights.

Organizing Committee Chair


Prof. Zhaohong Chen

Xiamen University Tan Kah Kee College, China

I am currently a professor at the School of Business/School of Computer Science, Minnan Normal University, and a part-time professor at the School of Management,Tan Kah Kee College, Xiamen University. I have also taught at Double First Class universities such as the School of Computer Science and Technology, Graduate School of Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen), and the School of Information Science and Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology (Zhuhai). I who returned fromAmerican/Canadian, am a high-level talent (Class B) in Fujian Province, aMaster's supervisor and an expertin Information TechnologyOperation Technologycorporate governance and strategic planning.  Senior Knowledge Graph Engineer, Senior Artificial Intelligence Engineer, Big Data Technology Engineer, Enterprise Electronic Planner (Level 1), Information Management (Application) Professional. I also have worked for many years in the world's largest companies in a certain field, including China, the United States, and Canada (such as Foxconn, HuaWei(supplier), DHL, Advanced Semiconductor, etc.), Reviewers of multiple journal papers, external reviewers for professional title promotions, chairman/speakers of international conferences, and hosts of scientific research project plans. Guide undergraduate students from the School of Computer Science at Fujian Normal University to be admitted to the School of Artificial Intelligence at Xiamen University, as well as the Fujian Province College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program, and obtain the school's excellent performance of student’s graduation thesis.

Technical Program Committees

Prof. Chiwen Qu, Youjiang Medical University for Nationalities, China

Prof. Fei Meng, Shandong Jianzhu University, China

Prof. Mingguang Shan, Harbin Engineering University, China

Prof. Xianye Ben, Shandong University, China

Prof.Tao Lei, Shaanxi University of Science & Technology, China

Prof. Zhaohong Chen, Minnan Normal University, China

Prof. Zhengping Hu, Yanshan University, China

Prof. Min Wang, SouthWest Petroleum University, China

Prof. Wei Fang, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology,China

Prof Leng Lu, Nanchang Hangkong University, China

Prof. Peng An, Ningbo University of Technology, China

Prof. Shitong Wang, JiangNan University, China

Prof. Ying Chen, Nanchang Hangkong University, China

Prof. Yunhong Li, Xi'an Polytechnic University,China

Prof.. Wenqing Zhao, North China Electric Power University, China

Assoc. Prof. Xiaofei Ji, Shenyang Aerospace University, China

Assoc. Prof. Wenlong Fu, China Three Gorges University, China

Assoc. Prof. Yifan Zuo, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, China

Assoc. Prof. Cai Meng, Beihang University, China

Assoc. Prof. Xiaoyan Jiang, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, China

Assoc. Prof.. Qingzhi Zhao, Xi`an University Of Science And Technology, China

Assoc. Prof.. Peng Geng, Shijiazhuang Tiedao University, China