Welcome Assoc. Prof. Qingzhi Zhao from Xi`an University Of Science And Technology to be the TPC !

Welcome Assoc. Prof. Qingzhi Zhao from Xi`an University Of Science And Technology to be the TPC !


Assoc. Prof. Qingzhi Zhao

Xi`an University 

Zhao Qingzhi, a male,PhD (postdoctor), associate professor, master tutor, born in August 1989, graduated from the School of Surveying and Mapping in June 2017, Wuhan University, School of Surveying and Mapping, with a doctor's degree in Engineering. He worked at Xi'an University of Science and Technology in June 2017. He serves as a reviewer of international SCI and EI journals in mapping and remote sensing fields such as Journal of Geodesy, GPS Solutions, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, a young editorial board member of The Journal of Xi'an University of Science and Technology, and a member of the International Academic Conference Committee on Remote Sensing and Surveying and Mapping in 2022. Mainly engaged in the teaching work of satellite Navigation and Positioning Principles and Application, Engineering Measurement and other courses, the research direction is GNSS and RS data processing, GNSS and RS satellite and other multisource data water vapor fusion inversion and its innovative application research. In the last five years, He has published more than 50 academic papers on SCI and EI in TOP journals in the fields of surveying, mapping and remote sensing, Among them, the first and corresponding author has more than 40 SCI papers; Five authorized invention patents, 5 software Copyrights; Won 1 first, second and third prize of provincial and ministerial Science and Technology Progress Award, and one second prize of provincial and ministerial technical invention Award; Presided over a number of scientific research projects, such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Project, Shaanxi Provincial Natural Science Basic Research Program Project of Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education, Scientific Research Program Project funding of Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education, Presiding over a school-level educational reform project, He won the title of "The fourth New Star of Xi 'an University of Science and Technology" and "the sixth Xu Wonderful Young Teacher Award of Xi' an University of Science and Technology".